Wednesday, 7 May 2014

CeBIT 2014 - Sydney Olympic Park


So I was fortunate enough to attend the CeBIT 2014 conference today at Sydney Olympic Park ( 

There were a number of concurrent conferences, workshops and talks going on all at the same time but the focus for me was the eGovernment discussions and boy are they doing some innovative things in that space. 

Representatives from the public and private sector showed off their innovations and it's good to see how more and more, data is being used as the backbone of this. Definitely got a few ideas for how my company can help these guys innovate further so I'll definitely be following up with people.

Here are a few photos from the event:

Plenary session keynote speech from the Commonwealth Bank (CBA)

Evolution of CBA innovation - big things coming here for consumers!

Cloudera keynote speech

NSW Fire and Services chat about the future of their applications - they were definitely doing some cool things especially around predictive analytics (a personal favourite area of mine)

Skynet... is coming? Is it Judgment day already? Time to break out the Terminators

Great quote from Amazon - no they weren't there but does the Department of Human Services (DHS) get royalties for mentioning it? =)

Demand is indeed.... insatiable. Improving Service Delivery is the key!

New services coming from DHS.

Can't beat that view - well you can - if they put Sydney Olympic Park closer to the CBD, or closer to water!

At the convention there were a number of booths as well - the guys at Saber Astronautics are doing some ultra cool things with satellite tracking (think space junk) and monitoring planets - this my friends, is the sun... in all it's solar flare emitting glory!

CBA stand - they had some interactive demonstrations - coming to a branch near you (if not already there!)

Anyway, I'll post some more thoughts and ideas on this another time - off to another city tomorrow so time to sleep!

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