Monday, 26 May 2014

Art of Knowledge Series - Episode 3

In this video we see General Stanley McChrystal discuss the need for active sharing of knowledge and how it can lead to better outcomes than keeping this information behind closed doors.

It's a lesson that the US Military learned the hard way but is useful in many other facets of business especially as more and more, data becomes an asset for organisations.

General McChrystal shows how they had to change the culture, significantly and move from knowledge is power to where sharing is power. Instead of 'need to know' they moved to 'who needs to know and how do we get information to them'.

This is true for other organisations too and ultimately the benefits of sharing outweigh the danger of withholding information.

I see a huge need for more sharing of data in the private and public sector we have today and of course there is no blanket approach to doing this. Each organisation needs to work out their own system and their own audience. Information is only valuable when it gets to the people who can take the right course of action because of it.

Technology is making it easier to share knowledge and the ideas that come out of this sharing will be because organisations took those steps to make the data available.

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