Data Viz Catalogue
Here's an interesting blog that categorises all the various types of data visualisations by their type and purpose. There's nothing worse than seeing visualisations that don't convey the right message about their data or confuse the user. I think this catalogue will be very useful for anyone looking to tell a story or get a point across. The more that data visualisations get used in business and social environments, it's important to understand what's going on underneath rather than just on the surface.
Speaking of proper visuals, this reminds me of the work by Jon Schwabisch over at Policy Viz. His blog focuses on data visualisation in the government space but he did launch a Remakes page some time ago. Basically people send in visuals they see in the news or media that have some flaw in them and Jon goes about remaking them to better get the messages across. Try it here.
Very interesting concepts and certainly things that I'll use in my every day work and you should too.